Water spider

Water spider

Mark Webster

Water spider

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Enw gwyddonol: Argyroneta aquatica
There are several species of spider that live in our wetlands, but the water spider is the only one that spends its life under the water. In its pond habitats, it looks silvery because of the air bubbles it traps in its hairs.

Top facts


Body length: 0.8-1.5cm

Conservation status


Pryd i'w gweld

January to December


The water spider lives underwater, building a bell-shaped web between underwater plant stems. It can be spotted as it comes to the water's surface to trap air in the hairs on its body, which it takes down to fill the web, or 'diving bell' (hence its other common name of 'diving bell spider'). It lives in this large air bubble during the day, and hunts at night. Mating takes place within the web retreat and the female builds a special egg chamber in which she lays and guards her eggs. Water spiders can be found in weedy lakes and ponds, and very slow-flowing streams.

What to look for

The water spider is the only spider that spends its life underwater. If caught while pond dipping, it can be recognised by the silvery air bubble it carries on the hairs on its body. Out of the water, it looks grey-brown. Males are larger than females.

Where to find


Roeddech chi yn gwybod?

The Water spider is the only spider in the world that lives underwater.