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Insectivores spotter

Insectivores spotter

Be a nature detective! Can you tick off any of these?

Heathland wildlife

Heathland spotter

Be a nature detective! Can you tick off any of these?

Hedgerow spotter

Hedgerow spotter

Be a nature detective! Can you tick off any of these?


Ladybird spotter

Be a nature detective! Can you tick off any of these?

Day flying moth spotter sheet

Day moth spotter

Be a nature detective! Can you tick off any of these?

Nature weaving

Nature weaving

Create your own loom and weave using natural materials

Street tree

My street tree

Have you ever stopped to look at a tree closely? Get to know one a bit better!

Blackberry crumble

Wild blackberry crumble

Find out when blackberries are in season and get baking!

Nature table

Start a nature table

Collect and study your finds with a nature table.

Forest guardian

Make a forest guardian

Find a special tree and give it its own features!

mark and recapture snails

Mark and recapture snails

Get to know these special slimy creatures!

nut hunting

Go nut hunting

Become a nature detective and find out who nibbled that nut!

Apple bird feeder

Apple bird feeder

Try this simple bird feeder for garden visitors!

Footprint trap activity sheet

Animal footprint trap

Find out who has been visiting your garden

Cleaning bird feeders

How to clean bird feeders

Keep bird feeders clean with these simple steps

Bird hide

How to make a bird hide

View birds close up by making your own hide.

Help birds avoid windows

Help birds avoid windows

Use your craft skills to help birds avoid windows.

Ground-feeding birds

Feeding ground-feeding birds

Some birds prefer their food on the ground!

Plaster casting

How to go plaster casting

Plaster cast an animal footprint!

Mammal tunnel

Make a small mammal tunnel

Capture footprints with this tunnel!

Tumble trap

Make a tumble trap

Get a closer look at minibeasts with this.

wind vane

Make a wind vane

Study wind direction with a vane.

Dandelion tea

Make dandelion tea

Make this between March and June!

Edible pond

Make an edible pond

Recreate pondlife in the kitchen!

Natural dyes

Make natural dyes

Harness the power of nature!

nettle soup

Make nettle soup

Have you tried it before?

owl pellets

Dissect owl pellets

Find out what owls eat!