Search using the buttons above - there are spotter sheets, activities guides, masks to make and much more!


Mini raft

How to build a mini raft

Have a go at making this to float on water.

Plaster casting

How to go plaster casting

Plaster cast an animal footprint!

Mammal tunnel

Make a small mammal tunnel

Capture footprints with this tunnel!

wind vane

Make a wind vane

Study wind direction with a vane.

Beetle bank - thumb

Build a beetle bank

Welcome lots of different types of beetles in by building your own beetle bank

make a dragonfly

Make a dragonfly

Get crafty with this make!

nature treasure chest

Make a treasure chest

Keep your natural treasures in here!

Glow worm

Make a glow worm

Try this fab wildlife creation!

Model butterfly

Make a model butterfly

Bring your favourite butterfly to life!

Natural dyes

Make natural dyes

Harness the power of nature!

pond dipping net

Make a pond dipping net

Reuse and recycle for this one!

Summer flower spotter

Summer Flowers Spotter

Be a nature detective! Can you tick off any of these?


Build a hibernaculum

Build a home for amphibians and reptiles!


How to make eco-crackers

Make your Christmas as eco-friendly as possible!


How to make eco-decorations

Have a green Christmas with these eco-friendly ideas!

Berry paints

Berry paints

Get artistic with this activity!

How to build a hedgehog feeding station

Make a hedgehog feeding station

Get more prickly friends in your garden!

Winter wreath

Make a winter wreath

Get creative this festive season

Woodland wildlife summer spotter

Summer woodland spotter

Be a nature detective! Can you tick off any of these?

Autumn woodland spotter

Autumn woodland spotter

Be a nature detective! Can you tick off any of these?

baby birds

Baby bird spotter

Be a nature detective! Can you tick off any of these?

Garden butterflies spotter

Garden butterfly spotter

Be a nature detective! Can you tick off any of these?

Countryside butterfly spotter

Countryside spotter

Be a nature detective! Can you tick off any of these?

jellyfish spotter

Jellyfish spotter

Be a nature detective! Can you tick off any of these?

Farmland birds

Farmland birds spotter

Be a nature detective! Can you tick off any of these?

Spring nature treasure hunt

Spring nature spotter

Be a nature detective! Can you tick off any of these?