White bryony

White Bryony

©Amy Lewis

White bryony

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Scientific name: Bryonia dioica
A climbing plant of hedgerows and woodlands, White bryony produces greenish flowers in summer and red, shiny berries in winter. It is a poisonous plant.

Top facts


Height: up to 4m

Conservation status


When to see

January to December


White bryony is a climbing hedgerow and woodland edge plant that flowers between May and August. It produces red and shiny berries that can be seen, covered in frost over winter. Our only native member of the cucumber family, White bryony is actually highly poisonous. The roots are particularly toxic and, despite their bitter taste, sometimes get eaten by cattle with fatal consequences.

What to look for

A climbing plant, White bryony has curling tendrils and leaves with five lobes. It displays greenish, five-petalled flowers and orange-red berries.

Where to find

Mainly found in England, particularly in the south and east.

Did you know?

In times past, the roots of White bryony were often 'passed off' as an entirely different species: Mandrake. A native of the Mediterranean, Mandrake was used as a painkiller and narcotic, and was also believed to be an aphrodisiac because its roots often looked like human figures (they supposedly shrieked as they were pulled from the earth). However, the real thing was hard to grow, so cheats would carve the roots of White bryony into human-like forms and sell them.