A proud wildlife watcher
Dara shares his different way of looking at the world and a different way of ‘being’.
Wild Wanderings
Wildlife Watcher Chloe lives by the coast in Wales and shares her favourite finds.
A hedgehog friendly garden
Caught on camera! Wildlife Watcher Bessy and her family have discovered a heap of hog-action in their garden.
Bottlenose dolphin
Bottlenose dolphins in British waters are the biggest of their kind – they need to be able to cope with our chilly waters! They are very sociable and will happily swim alongside boats, providing…
Risso’s dolphin
Risso’s dolphins are mysterious creatures usually only found in deep, offshore waters.
The Wonder of Trees
Wildlife Watcher Olivia shares her knowledge of trees and why we should all help look after them.
Shore rockling
These large rocky shore fish look like they belong in deeper waters, but they are the find of the day for any rockpooler!
Gem (or wartlet) anemone
Not to be confused with the ‘jewel anemone’ which resides in deeper waters, the gem anemone is just as wonderful a find on the rocky shore!
Lesser weever fish
One of the only venomous fish to be found in British waters, the lesser weever fish is certainly one to watch out for!